E-20 Gas Amendment Offered To Energy Bill
Boat/US Magazine
SAG HARBOR, NY, September 22, 2007 (The Boating Channel)
Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ) and Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-LA) are sponsoring an amendment to the energy bill that can help Boaters avoid damaging their marine engines and fuel tanks with gasoline blended in high concentrations of ethanol.
According to the story, "Shadegg learned firsthand of the destructive power of ethanol in marine fuels when he pumped E-10 gas into the fiberglass gas tank of his 1973, 28-foot Bertram, Inevitable. The tank degraded rapidly, resulting in thousands of dollars of damage to the boat and its engines."
The amendment adds roadblocks to the permit process for states to require gas blended with ethanol concentrations higher than 10%.