Pirates Beware!
SAG HARBOR, NY (The Boating Channel/Carey London)
Imagine cruising peacefully into the sunset; you sit back, close your eyes, and smell the sweet sea breeze. Suddenly, several men in small speed boats drive up and hop onto your vessel. Pirates! They are greedy and heavily armed with automatic weapons, mortar shells and maybe even antitank rockets. They will surely kill you if you don't obey them. Chances are, they will kill you anyway.
Perhaps, you’re not cruising, but your multi-billion dollar company cargo is. It is traveling through pirate-ridden areas such as parts of South East Asia, Africa, and South America, and your hired crew has no understanding of the local people or of how to defend the ship in case of attack. The pirates may well have a computer printout of your cargo, and they will steal anything of value, frequently taking the entire container ship. Your crew stands a better than even chance of being thrown overboard. [More... ]